Tuesday, April 30, 2013

March Social Question: What is your favorite season?

On March 18, we held our monthly social at Coomb's, the neighborhood bar.  Every social we pose a question in order to get know our neighbors and our neighborhood. This month we asked about each person's favorite season. Here are their responses:

Jean, Linden Ave: Fall, because of the color throughout the Avenues

Jim, Linden Ave: Spring, because I love to see all the blooming trees and new leaves.  I also enjoy looking for flowers and neighbor's gardens.

Troy, Madison Ave/Harley St landlord: Fall, because I love seeing the Halloween decor.

Raymond, Madison Ave/Harley St landlord: Spring, because everything starts to bloom with exciting colors.  The dreary winter weather is gone and spring shows what's to come.

Lil, Florida Ave: Fall, because the tree are nice and the cool weather.  Also, because school comes back in session and enjoyed seeing the children on way to/from school.

Charlie, Madison Ave: Fall, because the weather is deal and the Avenues is the place to be in the Fall! Everyone is home in the fall and it's a special time of the year, harvest time!

Denise and Greg, Linden Ave: Spring, because of the colors and the new blooms.

Denise and Greg's yard on Linden Ave

Ben, Pennslyvania Ave: Summer, because gardens are producing.  This season allows for relationships to development over backyard trading and cookouts!

Warren, Hartley St: Summer, since I have four girls and it's a great time to play outside, visit the pool and park.  The summer also brings the sound of neighborhood kids playing or kids ringing the doorbell for my girls to play.

Matt, Lincoln Ave: Fall, because the trees in the park are gorgeous!

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